CMPUT 365 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (Winter 2024)
Introductory course to reinforcement learning at the University of Alberta
Class is held MWF 13:00-13:50 in CCIS 1-160.
For this course we will be use Coursera as the main platform for the course. You will need to sign up for the course on Coursera and complete the assignments and quizzes there. The course will be split into three courera courses, each with its own modules, a set of assignments, and a set of quizzes. The assignments and quizzes will be completed on Coursera.
You need to make sure you sign up for the private version of the course that corresponds to this session and not the public version of the course. Any work done on the public version of the course will not be transferred to the private version of the course. Please check with the instructor or TAs if you are unsure if you are on the correct version of the course.
Coursera Courses:
- Funamentals of Reinforcement Learning
- Sample-based Learning Methods
- Prediction and Control with Function Approximation
Instruction Team:
Scott Jordan (Instructor)
Email: sjordanualberta ca
Office hours: M 14:00-16:00 in ATH 3-21 -
Shibhansh Dohare
Email: cmput365ualberta ca
Office hours: F 9:00-11:00 in CAB 313 -
Esraa Elelimy
Email: cmput365ualberta ca
Office hours: Th 11:00-13:00 in CSC 3-26 -
Gábor Mihucz
Email: cmput365ualberta ca
Office hours: W 9:00-11:00 in CAB 313 -
Blanca Miller
Email: cmput365ualberta ca
Office hours: Tu 15:00-17:00 in CAB 313 -
David Szepesvari
Email: cmput365ualberta ca
Office hours: W 14:00-16:00 in CSC 3-50